Wednesday, October 17, 2012


After six months without rain, the sky fell open on Saturday and delivered a deluge. Potholes became ponds, dust became mud and the air felt cleansed. The rains are early and this is largely good news – wells are filling, the earth is ready for sowing crops and tired gardens have been revived. Sadly, however, many homes around Epworth are cracking and collapsing. There has been a significant rise in “illegal” dwellings being built this year in Epworth and many of these were made with mudbricks and sub-standard mortar. The rain has claimed a number of unfinished and new homes.

The rain has also triggered an explosion of insects (not really an explosion although we did have an exploding goat recently…but that’s a story for another day). There must have been squillions insects waiting to hatch. Ants, beetles, grasshoppers, moths, flying thingamies and crawling whatsits abound. This population increase has, in turn, made life rich for birds and reptiles. We now see plenty of beautiful birds enjoying a feast. We are also enjoying the colourful lizards that are out of hiding and spoilt for snacks.

The other main predators are the children. Insects are a rich source of protein and are also a hoot to catch. At dusk a happy throng of children gambol around trying to catch their preferred critters. Some insects are enjoyed au naturale whilst others are fried and salted.

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