Sunday, April 15, 2012

Fresh Cut Grass

Yesterday as I began teaching the girls I was very aware that two ladies outside our home were also beginning their working day. The ladies were using hand scythes to trim the grass between our building and the next. Bent over, they would take a handful of grass and cut it through. This was repeated.

During the day I read with the girls, took them to morning tea, did a science experiment, took them to watch an athletics carnival and we cooked pikelets together. We definitely enjoyed our balanced diet of activities for the day but I found it hard to reconcile it with the hard, repetitive work of our friends outside. While we were flitting from one thing to another they would pause, straighten up, beam and greet us warmly. Afterwards they would return to cutting.

As we finished our day of learning the ladies also packed up to head home. It was pretty confronting to sit our day of activities alongside their full day working hard in the sun. More confronting still to think that the mower I use at home would achieve the same acreage as these two hard-working ladies in less than five minutes.

We were expecting these sorts of contrasts in Zimbabwe but it still gives me a jolt. In fact I still get plenty of jolts per day.


  1. Loving reading about your experiences. Such different worlds, all on the same earth. Did the ladies use the grass for anything?

  2. So interesting to follow your story and comments. I can't imagine what it is like and not sure that I would manage in such a community. Trust you are aware of the heavenly blessings of health and protection as you give yourselves wholeheartedly to the vision. love auntie mary

  3. Hello everyone!
    As I clicked open this page and saw the lady's photo my heart was greatly saddened to think of all her back and body must endure,even to do just this one incredibly repetitive task. The injustice of her situation and the ease with which we can cut our own grass is startling. Please keep your hearts soft so you can keep being jolted. It is not ok that her life is so hard and ours are so easy.
    Lots of love,
    Wendy, John, Sunday and Mossi xo
