Tuesday, June 26, 2012


We caught a train to Victoria Falls. I was worried that we would miss the train but we didn't. When we got on it looked old fashioned and we stuck our heads out the window. There were bunks to sleep in. The train tooted and stopped every five minutes. On the way I spotted a stripy impala. We also saw people getting water. We made friends with the security guard. It was fun standing in the corridor because it wobbles. The toilet was a hole with a seat that made the stations stinky.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Bridie, thank you for your story about your trip on the train. Funnily enough, it looked very much like the one I used to sometimes catch to high school in Sydney in the early 1980's! Although, I don't recall spotting any stripey impala out of the windows! Did you get to sleep on the bunks? It is not surprising you all made friends with the guard, everyone would like to be friends with you and your lovely family. Standing in the corridor does sound like alot of fun. The seat looks huge! Lots of love from Wendy, John, Sunday and Mossi xo
