Friday, July 27, 2012


We stood right in front of a gigantic grey elephant. It was extremely exciting. One of the guides asked whether we wanted to ride an elephant. Dad and I really wanted to go but Mum, Abbey and Bridie were not so sure. After a while they agreed. I was slowly lifted off the ground onto the bony, calm elephant. It had humungous feet and was very tall. It walked very quietly and I felt it’s scratchy skin on my legs. It slowly plodded over the hard ground, went over the dusty road, past the floppy trees and past a few smaller animals. Eventually we came back to where we had started and the elephant slowly lowered itself to the ground. As I hopped off I looked into her intelligent eyes and wished I could ride again.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Clare, that looks fantastic ! Fancy riding on an elephant in Africa - you must feel very special and brave. I like to look at the stories of what you are doing while you are away on your adventure. You will have so much to tell us when you come back . Babu and Deb are coming to stay with us on Wednesday. Lots of love, hugs and prayers. Auntie Mary
