Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Pile of Poo

Facilitating and encouraging our friends and community to increase the diversity and quality of their food gardens, is one area that we are passionate about.   It is a joy to discover the varied food plants that God has provided in Zimbabwe. 

The resident minister at Matthew Rusike Children’s home, Reverend Tadzaushe, very generously donated an 8 tonne truckload of manure from his rural property to improve the gardens here.  Such kindness brings with it the potential to transform the food production in this place.  The soil is very sandy and quite poor in this area. With the addition of increased organic matter, it would be possible improve the diversity and quality of the vegetables that are grown at MRCH.

Tomorrow we are heading across the city to buy new sprinkler heads for the main garden. This purchase has been made possible by the generous efforts of our friends in Evandale and will make a huge difference to the efficacy of food production at MRCH.

With these changes, we can’t wait to see a wide range of vegetable bursting out of the many gardens here. More than this, we can’t  wait to see the children enjoying a wider range of fruits and vegetables from their home gardens.


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