Wednesday, November 14, 2012


WARNING – This entry contains some adult themes.

      Let me make two seemingly unrelated observations:
1.   There are an incredible number of orphans and vulnerable children who require support in Zimbabwe. A rough estimate of two million is often quoted and many of these live in Epworth.
2.   There is a huge drive in Zimbabwe to encourage male circumcision. Men of all ages are loudly encouraged to have the procedure to help reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS and certain cancers. Rock stars smile enthusiastically down from billboards to encourage circumcision

Now let me link these two observations. We met with an impressive organisation today that does a heroic job encouraging home-based care of orphans and vulnerable children in Epworth. I have no doubt they are doing a power of work on a TINY budget. The tricky part is that the tiny budget comes solely from the organisation responsible for promoting circumcision. So there is a direct relationship between how many men agree to the snip and how much funding they receive. The staff and volunteers divide their time between caring for orphans and finding ways to encourage circumcision.

Tough sales brief! I can only imagine the pitch:
“Excuse me sir, we are trying to care for local orphans. Would you please consider having just a small part of your genitals cut off so that we can continue our good work?”

Despite one of the toughest ideas in the world to pitch, the organisation is surviving, even flourishing, with the modest budget they get. To me it’s another tribute to Zimbabwean tenacity. 

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